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We’re everywhere you need us
Around the world or around the corner, Baker Tilly is ready to help.

At Baker Tilly, we have extensive experience in the preparation of consolidated accounts, as well as managing the process of group audits

Through our membership of Baker Tilly International, we have access to over 658 offices in 141 territories and can advise foreign entities locally, ensuring an efficient process.

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Consolidated accounts must be presented for a group of companies as if they constitute one single economic entity. Consolidated accounts in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act are only required if the group is covered by accounting class C or D, unless the parent company is part of a larger group that prepares consolidated accounts.

If you would like assistance in preparing consolidated financial statements or consolidated audits, we recommend that you contact Baker Tilly for further discussion.

Photo of Henrik Sadolin Jørgensen
Henrik Sadolin Jørgensen
State Authorised Public Accountant, Partner